While renovating your kitchen or designing a new home, one of the biggest challenges you face is the type of flooring you should choose. Choosing the best flooring for a kitchen is an important decision when it comes to the design of your cooking or eating space. It is important to do your homework on what each of these types of flooring has to offer before you decide on what type of flooring to choose for your kitchen.
When deciding to choose your laminate floor, check whether you like the combination of cabinets and floors before making a purchase.
When installing laminate flooring in your kitchen, choose a colour that matches your cabinets and countertops. There is no need to want to feature the same color of the laminate flooring in the rest of your home. Opting for a laminate floor for the kitchen offers you the best possible combination of cabinets, countertop, and floor colour.
Remember to consider all the options available to you when choosing laminate flooring to ensure that you achieve a good match with your space.
Read on to learn more about how to choose good kitchen floors, from kitchen furnishings to design preferences to budgets and ensure you consult with an expert at a flooring store in Calgary.

We will point out the advantages and disadvantages of different types of flooring for you to decide what is best for your kitchen floor.
Are hardwood floors better than laminate flooring?
- Hardwood floors are the most expensive option for flooring in your kitchen. Although hardwood floors can be made of a more durable material such as hardwood, laminate, or polyurethane, these floors are some of the safest and most durable materials on the market that provide a comfortable floor for your home and kitchen, with that said, hardwoods are still the more expensive option and the hardest of upkeep against food and drink spills.
How do tile floors stack up against laminate?
- Tile flooring can be a better option to think about when it comes to food and drink spills. Tile flooring is generally way more expensive than laminate. I know when I moved into my new home in Alberta and I got a quote from some local Calgary flooring stores, I chose tile for other reasons than laminate and paid $5,000 more for my entrance and my bathrooms. Comparably speaking, I found tiles to be the best choice for these areas of my home but chose laminate for the kitchen for the comfort, durability, and warmth.
Are laminate floors better than vinyl?
- Some would decide that vinyl flooring is best for a kitchen because of how easy it is to wipe up spills however vinyl flooring compared to laminate is not that much different in cost and laminate just feels so much better to walk on and goes so much better with the design of your cupboards and countertops. Vinyl easily tears up off the floor and also leaves streaks that are hard to remove. I remember living in an apartment where this so easily occurred when I pulled the refrigerator out from the wall to get behind it. When I put it back I was shocked at the condition it left the vinyl floor in.
What was my experience with laminate flooring?
- I had laminate flooring installed in my house’s kitchen and I loved the style of flooring. It felt very nice to walk on and was comfortable for cooking. One big benefit of having laminate is it was really easy to clean up any spills from liquids and foods. The durability of my laminate flooring was unmatched compared to any kitchen flooring I had in the past. I also noticed that it did not scratch or leave streaks from moving my stove for the refrigerator when I got behind them for spring cleaning.
The reason laminate flooring is so popular is that it is built for durability against food and drink spills and getting scratched up. It is also a great idea to use laminate flooring for kids and pets. You do not want to have to worry about that in your kitchen. Also, did you know that laminate flooring is most often created from recycled materials? By choosing laminate flooring you are also being eco-conscious by using this eco-friendly material.