Cleaning stone flooring in Calgary doesn’t have to be a hassle. With the proper cleaning supplies, you can keep your floors looking fresh and beautiful for years. Below are several tips to use when cleaning your natural or engineered stone material.
When your stone flooring in Calgary is installed, it is recommended to have it sealed before and after grouting. This creates a barrier to minimizes the chances of liquid-absorbing into the material. Your floors are subject to spills and debris, but when you protect your stone flooring, there is less chance of permanent damage as a result.
Here are some tools to get you started when cleaning your stone floors:
- Squeegee with a long handle
- Foam roller with a long handle
- Scrubbing brushes
- Scrubbing cloths
- Mop
- Specific stone floor care products (ask your nearest stone flooring store on what they suggest)
*You will want to avoid using acidic products like vinegar on your stone floors as it can eat away the surface layer.

Scrub away any dirt and debris
Make sure to apply your stone floor cleaner on your scrubbing brush to eliminate any dirt and debris engrained in the stonework. To ensure the entire space looks clean, even those high-traffic spots, you may need to spend a little extra time on the first go-round. After that, a periodic cleaning should do the trick.
Keep your mop moist
A damp, soft mop can clean your floor without destroying the finish. Some indoor tiles are smooth with a refined finish and, for this reason, need to be dealt with care when cleaning. Try not to use too much water on your mop, or you’ll just swish the dirt around, leaving big puddles on the floor. Not having enough water on your mop can be harsh on some fragile flooring and cause surface scratches if any sharp object gets stuck in it.
Dry your stone floor
Take time to make sure every portion of your stone floor is dried. Stone is extremely porous, so leaving your slate or granite flooring to air dry might cause unwanted water stains. Water stains could lead to having to re-finish the entire flooring as sometimes it can be hard to remove stains with just a simple cleaning.
After cleaning your stone floors, place your mats or area rugs back to keep those high-traffic areas protected. These types of items can help lengthen the life of your flooring.
Stone floors are beautiful, and you want to keep them looking great for years to come. The above steps can help keep your floors looking like this.